Tuesday, 18 October 2011

If women lived in kitchens.

 Since the dawn of humanity, humans have always needed to eat. It is simply what fuels us, and allows us to effectively survive. In primitive times, men were much more adept at hunting for food, and as such, women would try and make themselves appear attractive, in the hopes of luring in a male who could adequately provide for them.

Then, somewhere down the line, men realised that women were much better at cooking the food they brought home than they themselves were. So they would force their women to slave over burning stoves and weep over chopped onions, all so that they could continue to grunt and talk to other men about shoulders and manly things. Yes, the first kitchens weren't a friendly place, but they were a neccessary evil for the survival of humanity as a whole.

However, some men were not happy with their women. This was because they spent so much time in kitchens, that they barely had time to look at themselves and realise that they'd turned into some sort of unsightly wench over night. But remedying this would mean leaving the kitchen, definitely too high a cost for the survival of humanity.

Thankfully, 300 years later, we have a solution! Introducing the (not kidding) "I'm so Flippin Hot Mirror Spatula", a device so simple and life saving that I don't know how society has survived without it! There's not much more too it, its a mirror, its a spatula, you can look at yourself while you cook, it's easy to clean, what more do you people want?! At $24 it's much cheaper than your vanity, so it's definitely worth looking in to.

Disclaimer: the above story is complete and utter bullshit, it exists only because I, as a man, can think of no real logical reason as to why this item actually exists. Now if you'll excuse me, there's a conversation about sports I'm missing out on.

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