Saturday, 8 October 2011

If Cowboys used electricity

Popular culture in years past has always showed us a particular type of rugged man who is too rugged to really exist. The kind of man who uses guns to solve all his non-life threatning problems, like pesky flies or doors that won't unlock. At the top of this list, is the man who doesn't have time to turn of the light switch, the man who is too comfortable in his own bed or chair to physically move, and thus resorts to physically shattering the light bulb from a distance with high velocity metal.
The folks over at Bitplay want you to be that man too, and as such the Bang! lamp aims to combine all the convenience of turning your lights off from a distance, with all the badassery of physically shooting it and knocking it over (without all the shattered glass and broken dreams and such).
Sadly, its only available for purchase from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan at this point, but give it a few months and this amazingly bright idea will be sure to shoot its way to western shores.

Untill that happens, the best thing we can hope for is that gun shops start selling light bulbs as well.

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